PregnancyPregnancyHow Big Is My Baby This Week?

How Big Is My Baby This Week?

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If you’re anything like me, each week I was pregnant I was wondering “How much bigger will my baby be this week?”

It is a remarkable experience to follow your unborn baby’s development throughout your pregnancy. To better assist you in visualizing your baby’s growth and understanding the crucial developmental milestones, we have compiled a detailed guide that goes week-by-week and compares the size of your baby to that of common fruits and items.

In this article we examine the changes in your unborn child through each trimester. Read more about the first trimester, second trimester, and third trimesters of your pregnancy.

Baby Size and Development Each Week

The growth of your baby is a beautiful and gradual process. Here’s how your pregnancy should look like, week-by-week.

Weeks 1-4: Seeds of Life

Weeks 1-2: Poppy Seed

During the initial two weeks of your pregnancy, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a poppy seed. During this time, the sperm and egg combine to form the zygote, the beginning of your baby’s life.

Weeks 3-4: Sesame Seed

By weeks 3-4, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a sesame seed. The vital organs, spinal cord, and blood vessels are beginning to form, laying the foundation for your baby’s growth.

Weeks 5-8: From Peanut to a Raspberry

Week 5: Little Peanut

At week 5, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a peanut. The heart is beginning to form, and it will soon start beating. The digestive tract and neural tube are also developing.

Week 6: Pomegranate Seed

By week 6, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a pomegranate seed. The baby’s brain, head, and face are taking shape, and tiny tooth buds are forming.

Week 7: Blueberry

In week 7, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a blueberry. The baby’s brain is rapidly developing, and the heart is becoming more complex. At this point, they develop their hands and feet.

Week 8: Raspberry

At week 8, your baby’s dimensions are like a raspberry. The baby’s facial characteristics begin to take shape and gain definition. The internal organs are developing.

Weeks 9-13: From a Cherry to a Plum

Week 9: Cherry

In week 9, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a cherry. At this stage, your baby’s heart is completely developed. It is also developing muscles. The baby can also move and bend their tiny limbs.

Week 10: Strawberry

By week 10, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a strawberry. The baby’s bones and cartilage are forming, and the eyelids are beginning to close to protect the developing eyes.

Week 11: Lime

In week 11, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a lime. The baby’s genitalia is beginning to develop, and the baby can now control their fists.

Week 12: Plum

At week 12, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a plum. The baby’s reflexes are developing, and the digestive system is beginning to function.

Week 13: Large Strawberry

By week 13, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a large strawberry. Your baby’s face is completely developed, and the vocal cords form. Your baby can also start to practice swallowing.

Weeks 14-18: From a Lemon to a Bell Pepper

Week 14: Lemon

In week 14, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a lemon. Fine hair, called lanugo, begins to cover the baby’s body, and the baby forms facial expressions.

Week 15: Apple

At week 15, your baby’s dimensions are about that of an apple. The baby’s skin is developing, and they can now sense light, even though their eyes are still closed.

Week 16: Avocado

In week 16, your baby’s dimensions resemble an avocado. The baby’s muscles are growing stronger, and they may start to kick and move around.

Week 17: Pomegranate

By week 17, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a pomegranate. The baby’s skeleton continues to develop, and they can now yawn and hiccup.

Week 18: Bell Pepper

At week 18, your baby’s dimensions resemble a bell pepper. Your baby’s ears start forming, and they can now hear sounds.

Weeks 19-23: From a Tomato to a Mango

Week 19: Tomato

In week 19, your baby’s dimensions resemble a tomato. The baby’s skin is developing a protective coating called vernix caseosa, and it may begin to have more hair.

Week 20: Banana

At week 20, your baby’s dimensions are like a banana. The baby’s digestive system is now functioning, and they are starting to practice breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.

Week 21: Carrot

In week 21, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a carrot. Your baby begins to move more coordinatedly, and they can now suck their thumb.

Week 22: Spaghetti Squash

By week 22, your baby’s dimensions are about that of spaghetti squash. Your baby’s eyes start to open. Moreover, they develop a sense of touch.

Week 23: Mango

At week 23, your baby’s dimensions are like a ripe mango. The baby’s brain is rapidly developing, and sound becomes audible to them.

Weeks 24-28: From an Ear of Corn to an Eggplant

Week 24: Ear of Corn

In week 24, your baby’s dimensions are about that of an ear of corn. The baby’s lungs are developing and produce surfactant. Surfactant is a substance that aids in proper lung function.

Week 25: Acorn Squash

By week 25, your baby’s dimensions are about that of an acorn squash. Your baby’s skin reduces transparency, and blood vessels in the lungs continue developing.

Week 26: Butternut Squash

At week 26, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a butternut squash. The baby’s eyes are now fully developed, and they may begin to open and close them.

Week 27: Head of Lettuce

In week 27, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a head of lettuce. The baby’s taste buds are developing, and they can now taste some of the flavors from the amniotic fluid.

Week 28: Eggplant

At week 28, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a juicy eggplant. The baby’s brain grows, and the baby can now blink and dream.

Weeks 29-33: From a Butternut Squash to a Pineapple

Week 29: Butternut Squash

In week 29, your baby’s dimensions are close to a butternut squash’s. The baby’s muscles and lungs continue developing. They can now move their head from side to side.

Week 30: Large Cabbage

By week 30, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a large cabbage. The baby’s bone marrow now creates red blood cells, which help deliver oxygen throughout the body.

Week 31: Coconut

At week 31, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a coconut. The baby’s brain matures rapidly and starts to fill out as they gain more weight.

Week 32: Jicama

In week 32, your baby’s dimensions are about that of jicama. The baby’s skin is smoother and less wrinkled, and its bones are becoming stronger.

Week 33: Pineapple

By week 33, your baby is about the length of a pineapple. The baby’s immune system is developing. The baby can recognize familiar voices.

Weeks 34-40: From a Honeydew Melon to a Watermelon

Week 34: Honeydew Melon

In week 34, your baby’s dimensions are like a honeydew melon. The baby’s lungs are close to complete development, and its central nervous system matures.

Week 35: Romaine Lettuce

At week 35, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a head of romaine lettuce. The baby’s kidneys have fully formed, and its liver can start processing waste.

Week 36: Papaya

By week 36, your baby’s dimensions are about that of papaya. The baby’s head may begin moving towards the pelvis in anticipation of birth.

Week 37: Swiss Chard

In week 37, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a bunch of Swiss chard. The baby’s lungs and brain are close to complete development. They are now considered full-term.

Week 38: Small Pumpkin

At week 38, your baby’s dimensions resemble a small pumpkin. The baby’s body adds fat, which helps to control its body temperature after birth.

Week 39: Mini Watermelon

In week 39, your baby’s dimensions are about the size of a mini watermelon. The baby’s reflexes are now fully developed. They are ready for the outside world.

Week 40: Watermelon

At week 40, your baby’s dimensions are about that of a watermelon. Congratulations, you are on the due date! Now, your baby is fully grown and ready to meet you.

Importance of Knowing the Size of Your Baby

Monitoring Fetal Growth

Understanding your baby’s size at different stages of pregnancy helps healthcare professionals track the fetus’s growth and development.

This information can provide valuable insights into whether the baby is growing healthily, essential for its overall well-being.

By comparing the baby’s size to standard growth charts, healthcare providers can identify deviations from the norm and take appropriate action.

Ensuring Proper Nutrition

Knowing the size of your baby in the womb can help you ensure that you provide adequate nutrition for your growing baby.

Your healthcare provider can recommend dietary adjustments based on your baby’s size, growth rate, and pregnancy symptoms. Proper nutrition is essential for the baby’s overall health, brain development, and physical growth.

Preparing for the Birth Process

The size of your baby in the womb can also provide valuable information for the birth process.

Knowing the estimated size of your baby can help you and your healthcare team make informed decisions about the best approach for delivery, whether that be a vaginal birth or a cesarean section. It can also help you mentally prepare for the challenges of childbirth.

Bonding and Anticipation

Lastly, knowing the size of your baby in the womb can contribute to the bonding experience between parents and the baby.

Visualizing your pregnancy progress can foster excitement, anticipation, and attachment. These feelings are essential for the parent-child relationship.


When will I start showing a baby bump?

Between the 12th and 16th week of pregnancy, many women start to notice that they have a baby bump.

This, however, can change depending on various circumstances like your body type, whether or not this is your first, and the position of your expanding uterus.

How accurate are fruit comparisons for baby size?

Fruit comparisons are a helpful way to picture your baby’s growth. However,  you should keep in mind that they could be inaccurate.

Comparisons to fruits are intended to provide a broad impression rather than an exact measurement because the baby’s size might vary significantly from one pregnancy to the next.

Remember that every kid grows and develops at a special rate; making comparisons like this is a fun method to track how much your baby has grown.

How much weight will my baby gain during pregnancy?

The third trimester is when most babies achieve their maximum weight increase.

During the final few months of pregnancy, newborns grow approximately half a pound in weight weekly, on average. On average, a newborn weighs about six to nine pounds when first brought into the world.

Can I determine my baby’s gender during pregnancy?

Many tests and ultrasounds are available during pregnancy that can, in most cases, tell you what gender your baby will be.

The most frequent approach is to perform an ultrasound examination during the middle of the pregnancy, done between weeks 18 and 22 of the pregnancy.

However, there are further prenatal procedures, such as Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) and amniocentesis, that can identify the gender of your baby earlier on in the pregnancy.

Conclusion: Celebrating Your Baby’s Growth

It is a remarkable experience for pregnant women to experience their baby expand from the size of a tiny seed to that of a fully formed infant as the weeks pass by during their pregnancy.

You’ll have a much easier time visualizing your child’s growth and development if you gauge their size concerning common foods and items.

Every baby’s path is different, and the most important thing is to ensure that you give your child the love and attention they require to grow.

Embrace every second of your pregnancy, and don’t forget to appreciate the magnificent ride ahead.

Written by

Anna Thornhill
Anna Thornhill
Anna is one of our expert writers and, as a mom of two lovely kids (a daughter and son), she has plenty of practical experience to draw on when writing guides and reviews. Anna writes about techniques she's used both during pregnancy and as a new mother, such as combination feeding, and guides to products that have made feeding and care of her kids a little easier.


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