ChildbirthDeborah's Birth Story: an accomplished dream of a natural birth

Deborah’s Birth Story: an accomplished dream of a natural birth

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Positive Birth Stories are here to revolutionize the way we look at birth (and change the world 🙂 )! Fear and stress associated to birth are one of the main reason why women don’t manage to achieve a joyful birth experience. And it doesn’t have to be that way! You can read more about Positive Birth Stories here. Or head to my birth story: How I had a natural and pain free birth thanks to hypnobirthing.

If you’d like to share your own birth story, I’d love to hear from you! Send me an email at

Deborah’s Birth Story

The birth of my daughter was a wonderful experience for me. I was so overjoyed and blessed to have a safe delivery with a special surprise!

It all started at 11PM when I woke up to use the bathroom. On my way, liquid started running down my leg… my water had broken! Contractions started coming but not close together. I labored in the bathroom on my yoga mat for the next five hours. Having contractions around every 20 minutes and having to use the restroom quite a bit!

I was so excited, but also quite scared. This was my first time having a baby and my dream was to do it all-natural with no pain meds. My mom lives overseas and she was already on a plane to come and see me, and hopefully be with me through labor. She has had 6 babies all naturally without any medication, so I really wanted her by my side! She was due to arrive the next morning, so I started praying that the baby would wait for my mom to come and be with me!

Related: 23 Tips for a Birth without Epidural

As I labored in the bathroom, I let my husband sleep… I wanted to make sure he was able to help me later on when harder labor came. By about 4AM I had called my doctor who suggested that we go ahead and make our way to the hospital. Because my water had already broken, she wanted to make sure that I delivered within 24 hours to avoid infection.

I was a little uneasy with going to the hospital because my mom was not there yet! But, as soon as we arrived I was relieved to know that we were there and that everything would be alright even if my mom didn’t make it in time.

Related: Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom, Baby & Partner (including FREE printable)

But, wouldn’t you know it, about 20 minutes after we got settled into our room, my mom walked through the door! This was a HUGE encouragement to me and totally surprised me! I think I had lost all track of time because of the labor, so I was not expecting her to come in.

I labored through the rest of that day with my mom. I had to be on and off Pitocin just to keep things going. For a while I felt bad about that, but now I have no regrets. I think that it helped to move things along and kept my head in the right place during labor.

During the day I labored in the hospital, walking around the halls, laying in the bed, and in the shower (which was my favorite!). My husband was a great helper, always giving me counter pressure on my back for each contraction. He was totally new to this birth experience, but he was a trooper. He made a few jokes and I only had to tell him to be quiet once. Ha!

As the night rolled in, my labor was finally progressing. And at around 8:30PM, it was time to start pushing! And then in just under an hour, my daughter was finally here. I had waited months and months and now almost a whole 24 hours of labor to see her. I remember being so relieved and happy that she was finally in my arms. And, I was able to go through the whole labor without pain medication, what a blessing!

I couldn’t get to sleep that night, and I remember holding my daughter on my chest, looking over at my mom sleeping on the bed next to me, and thinking, “I did it. We did it.”

And that is how this crazy adventure of motherhood started for me. It was such a great experience I really can’t wait to see what my next labor will be like if I am blessed with another child.

And, yes, I gave birth in a very conventional hospital without any pain meds. I did get some grief from a few of the nurses, but overall, they were very encouraging and very happy that I accomplished my goals in labor. If this is something you are looking to do, I would say, “Go for it!”.

Deborah's birth story

Deborah is a stay-at-home mom to her toddler and helps other mamas study and know God’s Word during the busy-ness of raising children. You can find all her Christian encouragement

If you are looking for more tips or information on how to prepare for birth and postpartum, also have a look at the following related articles:

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Written by

Monica Greco
Monica Greco
Monica is the founder of Conquering Motherhood and a proud mom of two beautiful kids. As she says, giving birth to my second daughter was one of the most wonderful and empowering events of my life. That’s what’s inspired me to start this journey and share my story with you. Also, being a mother of a baby and a toddler, I know mom’s life is not always easy. Finding comfort in knowing you are not alone has always helped me. So, I’d like to pay it forward and share with other moms what I have learnt along the way providing tips, suggestions and recommendations on how to tackle motherhood.


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