ChildbirthLabor & DeliveryHow to Achieve a Confident Birth

How to Achieve a Confident Birth

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Having a Confident Delivery is something I think most moms aspire to.  They want to feel somewhat in control (because our bodies aren’t something we always have control over), and like they have a basic idea of how the day will go.  It’s like comparing how you felt on the first day of freshman year, vs how you felt on your first day of senior year.  Right?

Definition of a Confident Delivery

I think first we need to define what a confident delivery is. It’s NOT going to be like you know exactly what will happen each step of the way. Things like IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) or preeclampsia can throw even the most educated of moms off their “game plan” for their delivery day.

That’s why I think a birth plan is mostly for you to research options, and then we will see what your body gives us on labor day. 🙂

Confident Childbirth

How to have a Confident Delivery

Education.  Education is key.  Well, I guess another key is to do it several times, but because most families don’t plan to have loads of kids — getting educated in advance is important.

Getting Educated for Delivery

Ok, so what’s the best way to get educated about your upcoming delivery?

1) Listen to Birth Stories

Now, some women plan to get educated by just talking to a lot of friends and getting an idea of what happened to them, and what to expect for themselves.  However, that plan has a lot of “leaks” in it (to use a breastfeeding analogy).

  • Friends have had very few births.  It’s so important to be aware that just because your friend Jen had XYZ, the chance of you having something similar is slim.  Every birth is really different, until you zoom out and have seen hundreds, if not thousands.
  • Friends have a spotty memory.  I enjoy hearing the birth stories of friends that I have delivered.  Yes, we each have our own side, but I will say the way they recreate it is often way more dramatic than what happened.  It’s just how our minds work.  Just be aware that you’re getting the drama tale.
  • Get them.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with hearing birth stories from friends.  I think it’s cathartic to tell such an important moment and what did and did not go as you anticipated.  Just be aware it’s not education.

Related: Positive Birth Stories – revolutionizing the way we look at birth

The Best Tips for a Confident Birth

2) Take a Prenatal or Childbirth Class

Personally, I think taking a class is the best option.  Let me tell you what I have found to be important after 20 years at the bedside of expectant moms:


Find someone with LOTS of experience to teach you about your birthBonus points if that experience is with lots of women of different ages, income levels and cultures.  It just gives them a broader perspective to help from.

Good Teacher

With the giant boom of online courses I think we are quickly realizing that some people have the skills to teach online, and some don’t.  Make sure you find someone that’s a good teacher.  Bonus points if that course has been around for a while.

A lot of the best classes include a free beginning class to see if you’re a good fit for each other.

free prenatal class

>> Sign Up for Hilary’s FREE Beginning Prenatal Class here! <<


Nothing makes me sadder than a birth class that says birth should happen in THIS way.  And then when it doesn’t happen that way, that person has guilt.

Believe me, parenting has enough guilt to go around that how you get that baby out of your body doesn’t need to be on that list of things.  Take a class that’s open to how birth will unfold and is just educating you on what could happen and how to make the best choices for yourself.


The Perfect Way to get your Confident Birth

Of course, I think I have the perfect option for you.  The Online Prenatal Class for Couples has been around since 2014 (it’s a DINOSAUR among the birth classes — which is a good thing in this case).

It is:

  • Taught by a nurse who has 20 years of L&D experience in various states and communities
  • Couples love it, especially partners who think it’s going to be SO boring, I prove them wrong time and time again (seriously, check out the reviews).
  • Lessons on everything from bump to bassinet (and a few months beyond that) to prepare you for the whole thing.
  • Extra focus on the postpartum period which I felt was too often missed.
  • Updated frequently to be the most accurate and helpful
  • Can include downloadable books, Facebook group, monthly Q&A’s — at price points to fit every budget.

There is nothing I love more than a family who just ROCKS their birth and feels GREAT about it.  They know they were able to make confident choices and feel like they had a great team to back them up.  I hope that’s what you have, and I’ve love it if you’d check out The Online Prenatal Class for Couples.

>> Sign Up for Hilary’s Online Prenatal Class for Couples <- here and use the code SAVE10 to get 10% OFF now! <<

Here’s some related articles that will help you get through pregnancy:

And some related articles to prepare for birth and postpartum:

Meet the Author

Hi, I’m Hilary.  I’m the curly head behind the website Pulling Curls, the nurse behind The Pregnancy Nurse, and the creator of The Online Prenatal Class for Couples I’ve been a nurse since 1997 and I have 20 years of labor and delivery nurse experience.  I am an expert at helping families have a confident collaborative hospital delivery.  I’m excited to give you some ideas to use at your own birth.

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Written by

Monica Greco
Monica Greco
Monica is the founder of Conquering Motherhood and a proud mom of two beautiful kids. As she says, giving birth to my second daughter was one of the most wonderful and empowering events of my life. That’s what’s inspired me to start this journey and share my story with you. Also, being a mother of a baby and a toddler, I know mom’s life is not always easy. Finding comfort in knowing you are not alone has always helped me. So, I’d like to pay it forward and share with other moms what I have learnt along the way providing tips, suggestions and recommendations on how to tackle motherhood.


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