Pregnancy8 Tips for Coping with Anxiety During Pregnancy

8 Tips for Coping with Anxiety During Pregnancy

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When you see your pregnancy test turning out to be in positive lines, you get thrilled out of joy. But at the same time, you are feeling worried at every turn that something might be wrong. However, it’s a feeling you can’t shake, and it starts to affect your everyday life. Moreover, the arrival of the baby can also be an anxious time. Will the baby be, ok? Are you eating the right food?

If you wonder about all these questions in your mind, then remember that you are not alone. It is pretty common to experience anxiety during pregnancy, and most all expectant mothers worry at some point. A little bit of stress is a part of pregnancy (and is often fueled by lots of pregnancy myths) but becoming more anxious can be harmful. 

Pregnancy is a journey that is supposed to be a time of joy. But if you suffer from anxiety, it can be complicated. So, let’s discuss how to cope with stress during pregnancy.

Related: 7 Pregnancy Myths we all Believed at Some Point

pregnancy anxiety tips

Anxiety During Pregnancy

Anxiety can arise to anyone at any stage of their life. Stress is defined by a feeling of worry, nausea, or nervousness with persistent thoughts and concerns. Anxiety can be sudden, and it can lead a person to avoid certain situations and feel isolated. 

More than 10 percent of pregnant women suffer from pregnancy anxiety. You may hear that postpartum depression is a significant concern for women after giving birth. But other mood conditions may affect a woman’s pregnancy.

If the anxiety issue is left untreated during pregnancy, it can hurt your child. These problems can stay with the child after its birth and grow up with some mental health condition. Soon, you will need to find teen treatment centers for your grown-up kid to help with his or her mental illness. 

Related: Signs of Postpartum Anxiety and Tips on How to Deal with it

Reasons for Anxiety during Pregnancy

Some women experience a reduction in their signs during pregnancy, but their anxiety may worsen. Not everything that makes you feel stressed is under control. Also, Hormonal changes during pregnancy may affect the chemicals in your brain, which can cause anxiety. 

Pregnancy is also a time for tremendous change. Some of the feelings and sensations are accepted, while others are outright uncomfortable. You can even have complications or other issues that arise that keep you awake at night.

Being pregnant again after losing a baby for example could also be causing your anxiety.


Symptoms of anxiety during pregnancy

Certain amount of worry is natural during pregnancy. After all, the process may be different for you. You may face situations in the past that give you the reason for concern. But if these worries start with everyday life, then you may have anxiety. 

Some of the symptoms include:

  • The feeling of an uncontrollable sense of anxiety
  • Worrying excessively about things, particularly your health and baby
  • Inability to concentrate
  • The feeling of irritability or agitation
  • Having tense muscles
  • Sleeping poorly

However, sometimes the session of anxiety can even result in panic attacks. These attacks can start suddenly with the symptoms mentioned above. During panic attacks, the signs can be physical, which can make the experience worsen.

The symptoms of a sudden panic attack may include:

  • Feeling like you cannot breathe
  • Feeling like you are going crazy
  • Feeling like something terrible may happen
Anxiety in pregnancy

Tips to Cope with Anxiety During Pregnancy

Following are some helpful tips while struggling with anxiety during pregnancy.

1) Talk about it

When you are feeling anxious during pregnancy, it is necessary to talk about it to someone. Here your partner, family member, or close friend can offer you support.

Sharing your feelings and thoughts to someone every day is enough to keep the anxious feeling away from you. You can also consult your doctor to refer you to a professional therapist who can help you with your anxiety issue. 

3) Find a Discharge

Engaging in activities that can help to reduce stress and anxiety is an excellent option to cope with anxiety during pregnancy. Physical activities help your body to release endorphins. These work like a natural painkiller for your brain.

Moving the body is one of the most suggested ways to manage anxiety and stress, not to mention it will make you feel good about your body and attractive even with a big belly 🙂 Some of the practical activities include running, walking, and yoga.


4) Move your Mind

You can decide on activities that help your body release endorphins without working up a sweat. These activities include: meditation, acupuncture, massage therapy, and deep breathing exercise. Doing any of these activities for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day can help with anxiety. Doing this will help provide oxygen to the brain and boost the nervous system.

tips to cope with pregnancy anxiety

5) Get enough Sleep

Make sure that the body gets proper rest. Though sleep may seem subtle during pregnancy, making it a priority may help with your anxiety symptoms. 

6) Write down about it

Most of the time, you may not like talking. All those thoughts need someplace to go. Try to start penning down your thoughts to let out your feelings without the fear of judgment. You can find that writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you organize and prioritize your anxiety. 

There are actually lots of pregnancy planners and journals out there that provide the perfect space for you to write down all your feelings and emotions throughout your pregnancy and are worth having a look at.

Related: 11 Best Pregnancy Planners (incl. FREE & Printable!)

7) Authorize Yourself

If your anxiety is related to childbirth itself, then try to register yourself for a birth class. Learning about different stages of labor, what the body does, and what to expect at each turn can help mock the process.

These classes offer suggestions for dealing with the pain. They will also provide you an opportunity to chat with other mothers who are worried about the same. You can read about online birthing classes here, if you prefer them to in-person classes, and I highly recommend you look into hypnobirthing if you want a natural and confident birth.


8) Consult your doctor

If anxiety is moving your daily life or frequent panic attacks, you must consult your doctor. The sooner you will get help, the better it will be for you. In addition to the therapists, some medications can also ease your symptoms of anxiety. Moreover, you should never feel embarrassed about sharing your thoughts and feelings. 

Anxiety During Pregnancy: Final Thoughts

Anxiety during pregnancy is quite popular, and it is highly individual. So, keep trying to talk to your partner, friends, or family members. Also, try some stress management techniques by keeping your doctor in the loop. The sooner you will receive help, the sooner you will be able to gain mental peace. 

If you are pregnant, also don’t forget to check the following articles, including posts to prepare for birth and postpartum:

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About the Author

Monica Heft is an ardent blogger who explores the field of addiction recovery. With the help of his blog, she provides information and knowledge about various types of addiction recovery. Get more information on

Written by

Monica Greco
Monica Greco
Monica is the founder of Conquering Motherhood and a proud mom of two beautiful kids. As she says, giving birth to my second daughter was one of the most wonderful and empowering events of my life. That’s what’s inspired me to start this journey and share my story with you. Also, being a mother of a baby and a toddler, I know mom’s life is not always easy. Finding comfort in knowing you are not alone has always helped me. So, I’d like to pay it forward and share with other moms what I have learnt along the way providing tips, suggestions and recommendations on how to tackle motherhood.


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