Pregnancy20+ Fun & Creative Ways to Announce Pregnancy to Family

20+ Fun & Creative Ways to Announce Pregnancy to Family

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Congratulations on your Pregnancy! So exciting! One of the hardest things about being pregnant is keeping it secret for the first few weeks, until it’s safe to tell all your family and friends. You’re so excited you want to shout it from the rooftops!

That’s why, when it’s finally time for the official reveal, you probably want a special way to announce your pregnancy.

So, I’ve rounded up here some Fun and Creative Ways to Announce Pregnancy to Family. Whether in person or online, at dinner or while playing a game, I am sure there’s the perfect idea right here for you!

Related: Cute and Funny Ways to Announce Pregnancy on Social Media

Funny ways to announce pregnancy to family

When should you announce your Pregnancy to Family?

I don’t think there’s one right answer here. It really depends on you / your partner and how you feel.

Most people usually wait until the end of the first trimester before announcing that they are expecting, even to family. That is because the first 12 weeks are considered to be at higher risk of miscarriage. In fact, during the first 12 weeks, there’s a 1 in 4 chance of a miscarriage, which then decreases as you progress with your pregnancy.

I would hate to have to tell everyone that I lost the baby, after I had already given them the good news. So, I have personally waited until 12 weeks before I told any friend. But I told my parents and my brother as soon as I found out!

My wife, on the other hand, really wanted to share the news of our first baby with friends as soon as she found out she was pregnant. She always said that, even if she lost the baby, having the support of people around her, who knew what she was going through, would have made it easier, instead of processing everything on her own. It really depends on you and how you feel!

Some people even wait until the 4-5 month mark because they want to reveal the baby’s gender at the same time! Do whatever feels right for you.

If you wish to wait until further along your pregnancy, you could still start brainstorming some ideas on a pregnancy planner, that way you know exactly what you need to do when the time comes. 

Related: 11 Best Pregnancy Planners (incl. FREE & Printable!)

Who to Tell First?

“Who to tell first” also depends on you and how you feel. However, this is what I found worked best for me

1. Tell Your Partner first

Always start with your partner!! Telling someone else first might really hurt them otherwise. That is, unless you have taken the pregnancy test with him/her already, of course!

That’s what happened with me. The first couple of times I took a pregnancy test after IUI I was on my own, and they were negative. So the third time I did it with my wife: we were both glued to that stick for what felt like a lifetime. You can imagine the excitement when the second line appeared!

2. Tell your Family and closest Friends

The first person I needed to tell I was pregnant was my mom. I couldn’t wait! And my dad of course … but I knew my mom was going to cry. Then came my brother, and finally some closest friends.

3. Tell your Employer

I know you probably can’t wait to tell the world on social media that you are pregnant. But if you have co-workers or your boss following you on social media, maybe tell them first and get that sorted out. 

First of all, you will avoid the awkwardness of them finding out on social media or from someone else first. Second of all, you won’t need to lie when you can’t go to work because of all the pregnancy tests you need to take.

I remember it was such a weight lifted off my shoulders when I told my boss. Every time I lied, because I had a blood test or a scan and couldn’t get to work, I was feeling terrible!

4. Tell The World

It’s finally time to tell the world! You can have a look at some cute and funny pregnancy announcement ideas for social media here.

Fun & Creative Ways to Announce Pregnancy to Family

Ok, now that you’ve decided when to announce to your family that you are pregnant, it’s time to decide how to do it! Here’s a list of 20+ fun and creative ways of announcing pregnancy to family!

pregnancy announcement ideas to family

New Buddy Pregnancy Announcements

1) Fishing Lure

If you have a family member that loves fishing, then this fishing lure is such a creative way to tell them you are expecting! You can customize the fishing lure to say “Daddy” or “Grandpa”, or you can choose a generic one for any other family member.

2) Golf Ball / Golf Ball Marker

Do you have a golf lover in the family instead? They are going to love this golf balls or golf ball markers! Such a perfect idea, whether it’s for the new dad, granddad, uncle or auntie.

You can personalize the ball with any name you want 🙂

3) Guitar Pick

And what if you have someone in the family that absolutely loves musics? Then you have to get them this guitar pick for a “New Music Buddy”! They are going to adore it.

Pregnancy Announcement T-Shirts

T-Shirts can definitely be a fun way to announce your pregnancy to your family in person, but can also work very well if you are on a video call.

4) Big Brother or Sisters Tops

An idea is to have your older child to wear a t-shirt that says that they are going to be promoted to big sister or brother. We did this with our older daughter and it was such a fun way to announce it even to some friends on Skype.

Here’s some cute ideas below, for either brothers or sisters.

5) Couples T-Shirts

Couples T-Shirts can also be extremely funny! Imagine turning up at your parents’ house wearing these on… the surprise on their faces!

pregnancy announcement t-shirts

If baby is coming around Christmas, then check these funny ones!

Pregnancy Announcement Games

Dropping the news during a family game can also be a very fun way to announce pregnancy to family in person. Here’s some creative ideas.

6) Scavenger or Treasure Hunt

Organizing a scavenger or treasure hunt could be a very fun one, particularly if there are already some kids in the family that would love to find the clues.

Just make sure that the last clue or item to find is a bun in the oven! 🙂

bun in the oven

7) Scrabble

we are having a baby scrabble
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Announcing your pregnancy to family with a game of scrabble may take a bit of time to set up, as you need to make sure you have all the right letters. However, the reaction you are going to get is going to be priceless!

Have a look at the cutest reaction of this soon-to-be grandma!

8) Read My Lips

I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw this video of a couple telling their dad that he was going to be a granddad during a “read my lips” game. Honestly, if you are looking for a fun way to announce pregnancy to family, this could be it!

9) Telephone Game

Another super fun one, particularly if you have a big family and can get everyone all together! I don’t think this could have ever worked with my super tiny family 🙂

10) Pictionary

Finally, announcing your pregnancy during a game of Pictionary could also be another very fun and creative way to tell your family you are expecting.

funny and creative ways of announcing pregnancy to family

Other Ways of Announcing Pregnancy to Family

Here’s other ideas on how you could announce your pregnancy to family. Check these out 🙂

11) Lotto Tickets

I absolutely love the idea of a Lotto Ticket to announce to your family that you are pregnant. So simple, yet so effective! Make sure you have the camera ready to record their reaction when they realize what the prize is.

12) Wine Label

A wine label announcing your pregnancy could also be very creative. Stick one of these labels on your family member’s favorite bottle of wine and let them enjoy of the best wine they’ve even had.

13) Card

A bit of a classic, but I find a card is still a very creative way to announce your pregnancy to family.

This could work very well if you live far away from them, but still want to surprise them with something special. Just make sure they video call you when they are going to open the card, so that you can see their reaction!

And … I find this one hilarious for these current times with covid-19!

14) Mug Set

Or how about a set of mugs for your mom and dad, saying they are being promoted to grandparents? I bet they would love it!

There are also mug sets for brother and sisters being promoted to uncles and aunts but, now sure why, I picture this one to be more appropriate for grandparents-to-be 🙂

15) Color-Changing Mugs

An awesome variation to the mug set is getting these Color-Changing Mugs. They are black when cold, but as they get warm from the drink, the black goes away and your pregnancy announcement will appear. Surprise!

16) Animals

Make your fur-baby part of the big announcement! There are some very funny and creative dog bandanas that you can get, such as ‘my parents are getting me a human’ or this one ‘Guess what? Mom’s pregnant’.

17) Cheesy Picture

This has got to be one of the funniest ways of announcing pregnancy to your family! Gather everyone around for a picture and when everyone is ready go: “ready, steady ….. xx is pregnant!” , instead of “cheese”.

Make sure to video instead of taking an actual photo, so that you can capture everyone’s reaction! There’s always one person that clicks before everyone else 🙂

18) Keychain

Getting some keychains to your mom and dad is also a creative idea to announce your pregnancy.

19) Christmas Ornament

If it’s Christmas time, why not announce your pregnancy with a Christmas Ornament? I am sure family will love it!

20) Photo Frame

A photo frame with an image of your scan, or a message that says “coming soon in xxx” instead of a photo, can also be a very cute idea. And, depending on how you play this, it can actually turn out to be a funny idea.

I would recommend leaving the frame on display during a family event at home and see who’s going to be the first one to spot it 🙂

photo frame pregnancy announcement

21) Bun In The Oven

I don’t think it can get much more creative than this cute retro oven with a little bun in it. You can fit anything you want in it, even a cupcake. As long as the message on the flag is clear.

You can get the digital printable template for the retro oven on Etsy.

22) Cookies

Last but not least, if you like baking, announcing your pregnancy with some cookies can also be a creative idea 🙂 Have a look at these cute cookies from Pinterest.

Fun & Creative Ways to Announce Pregnancy to Family: Final Thoughts

Well, I really hope you’ve found your perfect way to announce your pregnancy to family here. Whether it’s something funny in person during a family game, or a creative gift to your loved ones, I am sure your family will be over the moon with the announcement.

And once you’ve announced your pregnancy to family, it might be time to announce it to the world on social media! Have a look here for a list of pregnancy announcements ideas for social media.

For more tips and information on how to survive pregnancy, also check out these related articles:

Are you an expectant mom looking to announce your pregnancy to family and have some questions about any of the ideas above? Or do you have another awesome idea that you’d like to share with other moms here? Then please let me know in the comments below – I’d love to hear from you!

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funny and creative ways to announce pregnancy to family

Written by

Monica Greco
Monica Greco
Monica is the founder of Conquering Motherhood and a proud mom of two beautiful kids. As she says, giving birth to my second daughter was one of the most wonderful and empowering events of my life. That’s what’s inspired me to start this journey and share my story with you. Also, being a mother of a baby and a toddler, I know mom’s life is not always easy. Finding comfort in knowing you are not alone has always helped me. So, I’d like to pay it forward and share with other moms what I have learnt along the way providing tips, suggestions and recommendations on how to tackle motherhood.


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